A list of presentations in reverse chronological order.
Exploiting Solution Sparsity in the Linear Programming Formulation of the Monge-Kantorovich Problem
Optimal Transport for Moving Mesh Methods
Optimal Transport for Mesh Generation and Image Registration
Multilevel Iterative Methods for Partial Differential Equations
Mesh Generation and the Optimal Transport Problem
Mesh Generation using the Monge-Ampère Equation
BICS Theme D (Numerical Analysis) presentation
Topics: project with Ivan Graham and Robert Scheichl on robust coarse spaces for Schwarz methods, other projects and collaborations, project with Chris Budd on moving mesh methods
The Method of Fundamental Solutions and a Taste of Python
This was a talk at the blackboard with a computer demonstration at the end.
My notes for the talk: mfs.html
All files, including the code for the demonstration: 2008-04-11_nasem.tar.gz (.tar.gz file), talks/2008-04-11_nasem/ (darcs repository)
Robust Domain Decomposition Methods
presented at the BICS PDRA Day.
BICS Meeting The Maths of Complex Systems Where are we heading?
Multilevel Methods for HPC
Lectures on multigrid (23 and 27 November).
For more information see tartu_course.
Python for Scientific Computing
A short tutorial on the programming language Python given at the University of Tartu.
python.pdf euler.py euler_pyx.py
For more information see tartu_course.
Constructing Robust Coarse Spaces for Overlapping Schwarz Methods
Robust Coarsening for Domain Decomposition Methods
Robust Coarsening for Domain Decomposition Methods
Robust Coarsening for Domain Decomposition Methods
Multigrid methods for convection-dominated elliptic equations
Informal presentation in preparation for the numerical analysis seminar by Sabine Le Borne the week after.
Iterative Methods for Elliptic Equations with Varying Coefficients
Two-Level Preconditioners for Elliptic Equations with Varying Coefficients
part of the Theme D (Numerical Analysis) presentation
topics: domain decomposition for elliptic PDEs with highly varying coefficients, materials with microstructures, laser physics simulation
Multigrid for Time-Dependent PDEs
Functional Calculus for the Spectral Analysis of Iterative Methods
Functional Calculus for the Spectral Analysis of Iterative Methods