The Method of Fundamental Solutions and a Taste of Python
Informal Numerical Analysis Seminar
University of Bath
Friday 11 April 2008
- BICS talk by Jon Trevelyan last Monday (7 April)
- About method for solving the Helmholtz equation
- very inspiring
- got me thinking
Summary of talk by Jon Trevelyan
- Helmholtz equation
- boundary integral equation formulation
- standard finite elements (FE) for function on boundary
- boundary element method BEM
- enrich with plane wave expansion
- decompose solution as
- in general write solution as linear combination of basis functions
- collocation of the boundary integral equation
- gives rise to system for unknowns on the boundary
- curve (1D) for 2D, surface (2D) for 3D
- Dirichlet/Neumann
- building matrix, involves solving integrals
- his approach subdivide integration domain, Gauss along wave crests,
- rule for oscillatory integrals (steepest descent) in direction of wave
- 1D integral for 2D, 2D integral for 3D
Basis functions
- idea: can we choose beter basis functions?
- sidestep
- standard finite element (FE) method (e.g. for elliptic equations)
- Dirichlet problem
- choose basis functions that satisfy boundary conditions (BC)
(but don't solve PDE)
- e.g. triangulation and hat functions for nodes in interior
- then do Galerkin or collocation inside domain
- homogeneous Helmholtz equation
- basis functions that solve PDE?
(but don't satisfy boundary conditions)
- for homogeneous Helmholtz (Laplace) this is possible
- 2D Hankel function \(H_0^{(1)}(k r)\)
- spherical wave 3D \(\exp(i k r)/r\)
- point source in 3D
- cylindrical wave, line source in 3D
- essentially point source in 2D
- fundamental solutions
- approximate solution solves PDE in domain
- need to find coefficients such that boundary conditions (BC) satisfied
- collocation
- very similar in flavour to boundary element method (BEM)
- but no integration necessary
Detailed explanation of method (see notes)
Further discussion
- of course I wasn't the first to come up with this
- some searching
- memory of talk at Dundee
- method of particular solutions for
PDE eigenvalue problems
- paper by Trefethen
- work by Moler, Matlab logo
- Method of Fundamental Solutions
- paper by Barnett and Betcke
- authors used Matlab
- they make the link with the boundary integral formulation (BEM)
- analysis for interior Helmholtz for disc
- convergence, conditioning, stability
- conditioning of system, size of coefficients
- solution as analytic function
- e.g. point source outside of domain
- best to choose points "inbetween" singularity and domain
- choice of curves
- interior or exterior problems
- automatically satisfies boundary conditions at infinity
(Sommerfeld radiation conditions)
- very easy to implement
- works in 2D, 3D, ...
- meshless
- conditioning
- but B&B article shows that this can be alleviated by
- choosing source locations well
- also problem for other methods
- How hard is this to implement?
- walk through python code
- show that we can very easily get very similar results to Matlab
- many libraries available
- here we use numpy, scipy and matplotlib
- module/file doc string
- importing modules
- numpy, scipy, pylab (matlab-like plotting interface to matplotlib)
- importing specific functions, submodules (, variables, classes)
- defining new functions
- scipy documentation
- tutorials, some reference documentation, api docs, wiki, source
- here api docs were useful
- scipy.special Hankel, derivative of Hankel, Bessel
- unit_circle, circle (only points and gradients needed, meshless)
- fundamental solutions
- source using Bessel function of the second kind (\(Y_0\))
- helmholtz class
- example: unit disc, bc based on Bessel point source outside
- Dirichlet/Neumann
- numerical values for parameters
- plots using matplotlib, very similar to Matlab
- Figures 4a, 4b
- Figures 3a, 3b, 3c
- other examples: discs with Dirichlet and Neumann conditions
- Animations
Idea for further exploration
- talk at Gene Golub memorial day by Godela Scherer
- about work with Gene Golub and Victor Pereyra on optimisation
- Gene Golub QR and SVD for LS
- generalised to separable nonlinear optimisation
- paper illustrates that we want to avoid growth of coefficients
- minimise not just ||r||^2 but ||r||^2 + \nu ||c||^2
- standard regularisation
- Golub showed how to this for QR
- more stable for ill conditioned problems
- normal equations kappa^2, QR kappa
- same equations as before, but in addition n equations of the form
\(\sqrt{\nu} c_j = 0\)